Another successful Defence Diving Symposium
9 Oct 2024 - I caught up with a few old friends at yesterday’s Defence Diving Symposium at HMS COLLINGWOOD, organised by MCDOA Chairman Martin Mackey as SODD (Superintendent of Defence Diving) and his Defence Diving Standards Team including Chief of Staff Major George Gibson and Rosemary ‘Roz’ Lunn who acted as Master (Mistress?) of Ceremonies. Click on the image above or here to download the programme of events in pdf form including biographies of all the speakers and names and citations for all the award nominees.
MCDOA Chairman Martin Mackey with MCDOA members Darren Powell and John ‘YoYo’ Ravenhall
Among the attendees were former WO(D) Colin ‘Scouse’ Kidman and MCDOA members Stu Harper and Geoff Goodwin.
Colin ‘Scouse’ Kidman QGM with MCDOA members Stu Harper and Geoff Goodwin
Also present were my fellow LMCDO ‘76 course member Chris Meatyard and our course officer Ralph Mavin.
MCDOA members Chris Meatyard and Rob Hoole flanking Ralph Mavin
Chris Meatyard’s daughter Lizzie was also an attendee.
Chris Meatyard and his daughter Lizzie flanking Lt Col Sandy Sanderson, SO1 Safety at HQ People & Training
MCDOA Secretary Ali Aindow was also present, together with representatives of the full gamut of defence, police, commercial and recreational diving.
MCDOA Secretary Ali Aindow flanked by Will Murray & Ben Easton
Darren ‘Daz’ Carvell MBE, Darren Lewis, Si Wharton QGM and Simon Day
It was also good to see MCDOA associate member Gavin Anthony who has been instrumental in researching diving physiology at INM (Institute of Naval Medicine) and elsewhere.
BSAC National Diving Officer Sophie Rennie with Gavin Anthony
The HDS (Historical Diving Society) and its museum at Stokes Bay near Gosport was represented by Ann Bevan, wife of the late world record breaking diver Dr John Bevan of the RN Scientific Service and founder of the HDS, plus former WO(D) John Dadd BEM and CD Branch legend Eamon ‘Ginge’ Fullen QGM.
Incidentally, here’s a flashback to John Dadd securing his helmet to the stage at the RN Clearance Diving Branch’s Golden Jubilee Dinner Dance in Portsmouth Guildhall on 3 May 2002. See here for further background and photos.
After an event brief by Roz Lunn and a welcoming address by Martin Mackey, the symposium went on to include the following presentations:
Practical considerations for breathing-air quality testing by James Cameron, Managing Director of factair
479 years and 27,263 dives later. The fascinating story of excavating and raising the Mary Rose by Dr Alexzandra Hildred BA DSc DLitt MCIFA FSA. Head of Research. The Mary Rose.
Storytelling to learn: What happens underwater stays underwater by Gareth Lock MSc. Director. The Human Diver.
The Forsey Safety Award sponsored by KB Associates
Shaken not Burned: Caustic Cocktails - How they happen, their potential effects and how to treat most effectively by Surg Lt Cdr Adam Lee, Diving Medical Officer, Institute of Naval Medicine
The Challenges of Police Underwater Search & Body Recovery by Police Sgts Michael Loveless & Andrew Cole, Police Underwater Search Units
Final Thoughts & Dispersal by Cdr Martin Mackey, Superintendent of Defence Diving
The final presentation which covered police underwater search and recovery was especially engrossing.
It was particularly good to see Cathy Forsey, daughter of the late Lt Cdr Dave Forsey MBE RN, a longstanding member of the MCDOA, together with her husband Bruce, brother, sister-in-law and niece. Among other honours, the annual David Forsey Award for Diving Safety was presented by Cathy, in conjunction with Brendan Kearns, a director of KB Associates, to WO1(D) Richard ‘Buster’ Brown. The names of all award nominees and their citations can be found in the conference programme.
Martin Mackey ended the session by highlighting some of the main points that had arisen during the day and invited everyone back for next year’s event.